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A workplace expert shares the exact steps you should take to quit your job without burning bridges

woman walking on bridge
Keep your professional relationships intact. Tobias Weber/EyeEm/Getty Images

  • Workers across industries are quitting their jobs in what economists call the Great Resignation.
  • When you announce your resignation, keep things professional, impersonal, and unemotional.
  • Thank your manager for their training and say you've found a perfect fit for this next career stage.

Workers are quitting in droves.

In October, 4.2 million workers left their jobs. Meanwhile, about three-quarters of employees are considering quitting, per a survey by job search site Joblist. And hiring is picking up in many industries, meaning it could be an opportune time for a career move.

But the logistics of quitting — namely, telling your boss you're out of there — can be challenging. Many career experts agree that the best strategy is to keep it classy and professional.

Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job," gave Insider some concrete guidelines for announcing your resignation.

Set up time to speak with your boss privately

You'll want to deliver the news either in person or on a call — not over email or Slack. But Taylor said you can email your boss in advance to set up a time to talk.

Taylor said you can be a little vague in that initial email, with something like: "Can we go over my projects? I have some critical questions I need to cover with you. When is a good time?"

If you make it crystal clear why you want to meet, your boss might get worried and try to talk to you immediately, especially given all the resignations happening lately.

Once you're in a quiet space (or virtual space) with your boss, you can say, "So, John, do you have a few minutes? I wanted to talk to you about my position here and I'd love to have your undivided attention for a few minutes."

Assuming your boss agrees, you can now deliver the news. Taylor recommends trying to avoid blurting out, "I'm quitting!" Here's how to handle the conversation:

  • Start out by thanking them for the training they've given you, the opportunity to work with great people, and anything else you're grateful for.
  • Then say you've found a perfect fit for where you are in your career, and as much as you've enjoyed working with them, you're moving on.
  • Again, tell your boss how much you've learned from their expertise. Give credit to specific members of your team you've enjoyed working with.
  • You may also want to tell them that this job is a great opportunity for someone and that you'll keep your eyes peeled for potential candidates.
  • If your boss asks whether they can reach out to you with questions in the future, Taylor said, it's important to "know your boundaries." You can certainly agree to be available for a few weeks after you leave, but you don't want to be "on-call forever."

Consider any counteroffers carefully

Be sure, Taylor added, to make the conversation about your needs in your career. Don't make it personal (even if your boss is technically a reason why you're leaving); don't make it emotional.

The key thing to remember here is not to burn your bridges. Especially if your new position is in the same industry or city, there's a good chance you'll run into your former boss and coworkers again. Or, your former boss may talk to your new boss about you if they know each other.

Your boss may also try to keep you by offering a promotion or a salary bump. In that case, Taylor said it's important to remember, "there was a reason you decided to leave."

If you decide to stay and accept the new terms, Taylor added, your boss may not trust you as much anymore. And no one knows how long employees will continue to have leverage over employers. "Strike while the iron is hot," Taylor said.

She added: "Make one decision and stick with it."

This story was originally published in June 2019.

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