Cat with iPad
Original iPad Game for Cats
Paint for Cats
Following the success of the original iPad Game for Cats, which arguably focused on developing paw-eye coordination, it became clear more should be done to encourage cats' artistic abilities. Fortunately, the same studio--Hiccup--released Paint for Cats. Now even the most alienated of tabbies have an outlet for personal expression.
CNET's Amanda Kooser let her cats loose on the $1.99 app and last we heard, Delia's been taking meetings at the Whitney.
Friskies Games for Cats
Kitty Quotes
A couple of our favorites:
"Dogs have owners, cats have staff."
"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?"
Homo sapiens are advised to resist this clear plot to advance the LOLcat invasion beyond the digital world and into the human brain.