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  1. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    Texas shooting suspect's mother alerted police about his gun ownership - CNN

    Aug 7 (Reuters) - The Dallas-area mother of the young man arrested in the mass shooting that killed 22 people in El Paso, Texas, had called police weeks earlier expressing concern about his fitness to own an assault-style rifle, CNN said on Wednesday.

    The mother contacted the Allen Police Department because she worried whether her son, aged 21, was mature or experienced enough in handling such a weapon to have purchased an "AK"-type firearm, CNN said, citing lawyers for the suspect's family.

    CNN quoted the lawyers, Chris Ayres and R. Jack Ayres, as saying the mother's call was "informational" in nature rather than motivated by concern that her son posed a threat to anyone.

    "This was not a volatile, explosive, erratic-behaving kid," Chris Ayres told the network. "It's not like alarm bells were going off."

    CNN said it was not known whether the gun the mother inquired about was the same weapon police said was used in Saturday's attack. Authorities have said they are investigating the attack as a hate crime and an act of domestic terrorism.

    Police say the suspect, Patrick Crusius, a white male from the Dallas suburb of Allen, drove some 650 miles (1,046 km) to the west Texas border city of El Paso before opening fire at a Walmart store there.

    Most of the 22 people killed were Hispanic, including eight Mexican citizens. At least two dozen people were injured. The suspect, who surrendered to police, has been charged with capital murder.

    A racist, anti-immigrant manifesto believed by authorities to have been written by the suspect was posted online shortly before the attack, which the author called a "response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas."

    During his mother's query to Allen police weeks earlier, according to her attorneys, she was transferred to a public safety officer who told her that based on her description of her son, he was legally allowed to buy the weapon in question, CNN said.

    The mother, the lawyers told the network, did not give police her son's name, and police did not seek any additional information from her before the call ended.

    Attempts by Reuters to reach the attorneys cited in CNN's story on Wednesday night were unsuccessful. Allen police were also not immediately available to discuss the report.

    A statement posted by Allen police on Twitter this week, in response to media inquiries about the suspect's prior encounters with law enforcement, listed just three relatively minor contacts in department records.

    The most recent, in March, was a false burglar alarm reported by the suspect at his grandparents' home, a call police said "was cleared without incident according to protocol."

    In 2016, the suspect was a passenger on a school bus involved in a minor accident investigated by police, and in 2014, he was reported as a juvenile runaway, but returned home without incident about 30 minutes later, police said.

    Police told CNN those three incidents represent "the entirety of our dealings with Mr. Crusius, in any capacity, be it suspect, witness, reporting party, or in any other manner."

    CNN quoted an unnamed source familiar with the family as describing Crusius as undecided about his life, having considered transferring from a community college to a four-year university, enlisting in the military and seeking a full-time job.

    "He was trying to figure out what to do next," the source said. "When did the wheels come off? We don't know." (Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    William Patrick Williams, 19, was arrested Thursday. He was planning to carry out a mass shooting at a Texas hotel.

    BREAKING: Mass Shooter STOPPED by Law Enforcement in Texas

    Aug 4, 2019

    Richard Moorhead

    Texas law enforcement appear to have thwarted yet another mass shooting, taking a suspect into custody on Thursday.

    The suspect had told his grandmother that he planned to “shoot up” an area hotel and commit suicide in July. The man’s grandmother convinced him to allow her to take him to a hospital for mental health treatment instead, placing him on the radar of Texas authorities.

    William Patrick Williams, 19, was arrested by ATF and FBI special agents at the hotel for acquiring a firearm under false pretenses. Williams had misrepresented his address on a NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check) form, stating that he resided with relatives, when he had in fact moved to a different address. Falsely listing an address on a gun transaction firearm form is a serious criminal offense.

    Williams had filled out the form when purchasing an AK-style rifle in July. He had been planning to use the rifle for a massacre at the unnamed hotel. Law enforcement acted swiftly when Williams booked a room at the hotel, and when they raided the room, they discovered seventeen loaded magazines, several knifes, tactical clothing, and a t-shirt with the ominous message of ‘Let Em’ Come.”

    U.S Attorney Nealy Cox has described the situation as “a tragedy adverted.” Two mass shootings occurred nationally on the weekend of August 2-4th, and if not for the authorities’ swift arrest of Williams, a third may have taken place
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      Yeah, it was the "fucking" Grandmother who risked her life storming into a hotel room believed to be inhabited by a well armed suicidal whack job.
      shootersa, Aug 8, 2019
    3. Pulsar66
      “a tragedy adverted.”

      How do you advertise a tragedy?
      Pulsar66, Aug 8, 2019
    4. CS natureboy
      LOL, Sanity_is_Relative thinks grandma was the one who put him in handcuffs.:hilarious:
      CS natureboy, Aug 8, 2019
      theperverted1 likes this.
    5. Sanity_is_Relative
      The police would never have know about his intentions DID NOT CALL THEM.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Aug 8, 2019
    6. Pulsar66
      Get real. The grandmother was trying to protect her grandson and keep him alive. Hence going to hospital rather than the local police station.

      He was then monitored and intercepted before pulling off the strike.

      It was very much the ATF and FBI who secured the arrest.
      Pulsar66, Aug 8, 2019
      shootersa and CS natureboy like this.
  3. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    I appreciate that you have given specific details about what you think gun restrictions should be but are you saying that people should not use guns intended to kill and injure humans in their own self protection or are you saying that they should use guns intended for other purposes in their own self protection?
    1. thinskin
      How many times have guns (concealed carry etc.) been used by the public to prevent a mass shooting?

      I think you will find the answer is never!

      So more deflection and nonsense by the thread nuisance!:rolleyes:

      thinskin, Aug 8, 2019
    2. BigSuzyB
      Their only option would be use weapons intended for the purposes of hunting or target shooting.
      BigSuzyB, Aug 8, 2019
    3. Truthful 1
      Not protection right ?
      Truthful 1, Aug 8, 2019
  4. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Sorry Suzy I didn’t realize that you answered my question in a later post
  5. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Now take note of the fraudulent practices. Someone challenges me saying anyone can buy an assault weapon in the US. And I list 3 different ways even criminals, and mentally ill people can buy an assault weapon. And two of the three are perfectly legal and one is illegal. So then its ignore the two legal ways and only comment on the one illegal way. Which is why its a waste of time to try and debate phony lying frauds. Because all they do is play dishonest games.

    And of course support Trump no matter what.

    Trump Plays the Role of Victim as He Visits Victims of Dayton, El Paso Mass Shootings
    The president followed a familiar pattern set in the wake of past mass shootings: a nod toward solemnity followed by a day of histrionics.

    • Like Like x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      Oh brother
      Truthful 1, Aug 8, 2019
  7. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I'll do you one better @stumbler Trump flying flags 1/2 staff till 8/8 lol lol lol lol
    Did you hear this one yet ? What the # 88 is supposed to represent to the liberal leftist media this is one of the stupidest, things i have ever heard . You Libbies never cease to amaze me , with the shit you guys come up with . God dam you guys make me laugh
  8. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    .......and in English?:rolleyes:

    • Like Like x 2
  9. Pulsar66

    Pulsar66 Porn Star

    May 17, 2019
    He is referring to the numbers 1/8 and 8/8 which in far right ideology represent 'Adolf Hilter' and Heil Hitler'.

    Reading between the lines, I'd suspect that POTUS has ordered US Flags to be flown at half-mast until the 8th August, prompting some people to imply a Facist reference.
  10. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    17 loaded magazines
    There's a red flag if ever there was one.

    what size magazines.

    You can't argue 17 magazines is for self defence or home protection ,
    unless you live in ISIS territory in a war zone in Africa or Arabia.

    And the previous case , a concerned mother ,
    clearly not happy her son having a shooting mechine
    Oh it's okay , he can buy them legally ,
    like most murderers ,
    we don't want to know his name , or chat to him ,
    we got innocent Mexicans to chase , and naughty negroes to parade with our cavalry.

    You'd kinda think ,
    in a country that's had 250 mass shootings in
    7 months ,
    that police might be a little bit alert ,
    and on the lookout for any sign of any possible alert signals.

    Surely , if a mother raises any concerns about her own son ,
    somebody should listen.
    If she thinks he's not mature enough ,
    she's quite possibly right ,
    espescially at just 21.

    After all , young men world wide , are notorious for bad decision making , under the age of 25.

    But of course , they can vote ,
    drive , and go to war ,
    so obviously they should be allowed to galavant around with a shooting mechine.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    When Q Anon is a fixture at Trump rallies of course them and neo Nazis will see 8/8 as a sign
    • Like Like x 1
    1. 69magpie
      @Truthful 1
      Are you a member of this cult group QAnon?.
      69magpie, Aug 8, 2019
    2. Truthful 1
      You fucks are nit wits
      Truthful 1, Aug 9, 2019
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I will post the story later of another white supremacists caught with plans of another mass shooting.
  13. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Attaboy, general...:thumbsup:
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sanity_is_Relative
      All I need is less republikkans and I am happy.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Aug 9, 2019
    3. shootersa
      Poor SIR.
      Deplorables triggering you?
      Want deplorables to go away???
      Not happening.
      shootersa, Aug 9, 2019
    4. Sanity_is_Relative
      You one celled losers could not trigger a squirt gun.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Aug 9, 2019
    5. Truthful 1
      I that a racial slur is see there SiR The word is Republican
      Truthful 1, Aug 9, 2019
    6. shootersa
      Really, SIR, you need to calm yourself. You're gonna have a stroke or heart attack or sumpin...............
      shootersa, Aug 9, 2019
  14. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    McConnell rejects mayors' demand for Senate action on gun bills, after shootings

    SIOUX CITY, Iowa (Reuters) - Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday rejected a plea from more than 200 mayors to call the Senate back early to consider new gun legislation, following two weekend mass shootings that left 31 people dead.

    The 214 mayors, including those of El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, which were the scenes of the weekend massacres, in a letter to the Senate majority leader and Democratic leader Chuck Schumer urged the Senate to vote on legislation already approved by the House of Representatives expanding background checks for guns sales without waiting for the end of the Senate's summer recess.

    "The tragic events in El Paso and Dayton this weekend are just the latest reminders that our nation can no longer wait for our federal government to take the actions necessary to prevent people who should not have access to firearms from being able to purchase them," said members of the United States Conference of Mayors who signed the letter.

    McConnell said he has asked for bipartisan discussions on the matter, including possible restrictions on assault gun sales.

    “We’re going to have these bipartisan discussions and when we get back (from the recess), hopefully, be able to come together and actually pass something," McConnell said in an interview with Kentucky radio station WHAS. "I want to make a law and not just see this kind of political sparring going on.”

    Asked about restrictions on assault weapons, McConnell said, “That will probably be discussed as well. It’s certainly one of the front and center issues." But he said "background checks and red flags would probably lead the discussions.”

    Republican President Donald Trump, he said, “is very much open to this discussion.”

    Red flag laws allow courts and local law enforcement to remove guns from people who are deemed to present an imminent risk of danger to communities.

    During a campaign stop in Sioux City, Iowa, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris called on McConnell to bring the Senate back and hold a vote on the legislation.

    "It is well within the power and the responsibility of the United States Congress to act in the best interest of the safety and well being of the American people," Harris said. "And Congress, from my perspective, has been feckless on this issue and the rest of society is paying a price."


    The National Rifle Association (NRA), a key donor to many Republican senators, indicated in a statement on Thursday it will oppose any further gun restrictions.

    “I’m not inclined to discuss private conversations with President Trump or other key leaders on this issue,” the NRA's chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, said in a statement.

    “But I can confirm that the NRA opposes any legislation that unfairly infringes upon the rights of law-abiding citizens," he said. "The inconvenient truth is this: the proposals being discussed by many would not have prevented the horrific tragedies in El Paso and Dayton."

    The Democratic-led House in February passed a bill calling for universal background checks for gun buyers. The measure would close loopholes that have allowed some sales over the internet and at gun shows to be finalized without background checks.

    A second bill also passed by the House in February would extend to 10 business days, from the current three, the amount of time for the background checks if information on a gun sale application is incomplete.

    Neither has been taken up by the Republican-controlled Senate. The White House earlier this year floated veto threats against both bills. On Wednesday, Trump said he wanted to strengthen background checks for gun purchases as he left the White House to visit Dayton and El Paso.

    "The Republicans are held by the throat by the NRA," Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren told a rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Wednesday night. "Enough is enough."

    The mayors, including El Paso's Dee Margo, a Republican, and Dayton's Nan Whaley, a Democrat, urged early voting on the two background checks bills, pointing out that the United States has had 250 mass shootings so far in 2019.

    "This is common sense gun legislation that the vast, vast majority of Americans support," Whaley said during a call with reporters on Thursday. "All we are asking is for Congress to do their job to help our communities be more safe."

    Among those who signed the letter were the mayors of Orlando, Florida, where 49 people were killed at a nightclub in June 2016; Parkland, Florida, where 17 were massacred in a high school in February 2018; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where 11 people were slain in a synagogue in October 2018; and Annapolis, Maryland, where five people were killed at a newspaper office in June 2018.

    Two Democratic mayors who are running for president also signed the letter: Pete Buttigieg, of South Bend, Indiana, and New York City's Bill de Blasio.

    The NRA accused U.S. presidential candidates of using the shootings for political gain.

    "Unfortunately, aspiring presidential candidates immediately took to the airwaves this past weekend to politicize these tragedies, and to demonize the NRA and its 5 million law-abiding members," the gun rights lobby said.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. deleted user 963741

    deleted user 963741 The Practical Outlaw Banned!

    Sep 10, 2017
    The true "divide" is becoming more clear each and every day. Right wing this....left wing that....race card this....race card that.....capitalism this....socialism that.....a true hate is being cultivated by both sides. Civil War may be inevitable......we will see....all of the bullshit has to come to a head at some point.....it is inevitable......
    1. conroe4
      We in the South have guns - will travel. LOL

      They turned all theirs in for hot dogs and pizza slices.
      conroe4, Aug 9, 2019
    2. deleted user 963741
      Love the South. We in the West are also prepared.
      deleted user 963741, Aug 9, 2019
    3. deleted user 963741
      All arrows point towards one Western State.....most targets will be East.....
      deleted user 963741, Aug 9, 2019
    4. conroe4
      That's great. Always be a Boy Scout. Be Prepared.

      Easterners would be in trouble - they know it.
      conroe4, Aug 9, 2019
      deleted user 963741 likes this.
  16. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    But only in America.

    The rest of us will get comfortable, sit back and watch you guys split your country in two.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. deleted user 963741
      Unfortunately I feel that you are correct.
      deleted user 963741, Aug 9, 2019
    2. Truthful 1
      Good Sir stay where you are , with your coal fired motor bike
      Truthful 1, Aug 9, 2019
    3. Pulsar66
      Considering that the US's contribution to automotive technology has pretty much only been the introduction of mass assembly and the creation of leaded petrol, I'd say that comment is a bit rich.
      Pulsar66, Aug 9, 2019
      Trev1 likes this.
  17. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    Springfield, Mo. a 20 year old white male wearing body armor and carrying an assault rifle and over 100 rounds entered into a WalMart and scared he shit out of shoppers. Luckily no shots were fired and no-one was killed, police have not said what his motivation are or what charges will be perused but this type of behavior should be charged as domestic terrorism.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Did you see the guy who walked into the atlanta airport with a semi automatic weapon?
    He was all but daring cops to take his weapon, cause, see, in Georgia they have open carry.
    1. Sanity_is_Relative
      They were within a legal right to have shot him for his acts of domestic terrorism.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Aug 9, 2019
  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I still need to confirm this but apparently MaassacreMoscowMitch is recorded on a conference telling members they are probably going to have to do something.

    Trump put this mill stone around his neck himself. Yeah it looks like even Moscow Mitch is ready to roll over on some gun controls. To get in front of it Trump will lead the charge.

    But he never considered that only about 30% of households have a gun in them. And the people who strongly support Trump in approval ratings is about the same. Because above all else Trump told them he would never go after their guns. And for decades the NRA has told them if they pass the first gun control laws it means they are coming for your guns.

    So when the NRA tells Trump if he caves to gun controls it will cost him support that is one of the only times in about 60 years when they are telling the truth.
    1. shootersa
      Wait. Shooter thought the Trump supporters are the white nationalist, racist, homophobic, uneducated masses of gaping hinds in fly over country.
      Now it's the NRA gun toting nut jobs who shoot up everything in sight?
      shootersa, Aug 9, 2019
  20. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    1. Sanity_is_Relative
      His intent was to cause panic, incite fear, and to generally disrupt the normal operation of the facility. That is a crime.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Aug 10, 2019