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  1. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Seems the Republican party in Californian has been ordered by a judge to remove their "fake" ballot drop boxes.

    I won't bother to provide a link since so many of you republicans are experts at using Google...
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    2. Dearelliot
      But the Republican party seems to be the one they catch, when its a democrat its been some unknown guy acting on his own,
      I'd bet a stern word and a slap on the wrist
      Dearelliot, Oct 14, 2020
      anon_de_plume likes this.
  2. ironfistvk

    ironfistvk Porn Star

    Jun 28, 2010
  3. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    1. anon_de_plume
      That's the most logical thing you've ever said...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 14, 2020
      John227 and Distant Lover like this.
  4. litedeadw8t

    litedeadw8t Sex Lover

    Mar 28, 2015
    Lol. Yes because Republicans are known for voter fraud and cheating the system. Anyone remember ACCORN?
    • Like Like x 3
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And @shootersa and some of the other Trump supporters were trying to falsely claim its the Democrats engaged in illegal ballot harvesting.
    • Like Like x 4
  6. sabre4567

    sabre4567 Sex Machine

    Jul 25, 2020
    So the Democrats want to suppress the vote by limiting the drop boxes?
  7. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Another waist of bandwidth

    • Like Like x 1
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    1. anon_de_plume
      You've got it around you... Or maybe you're to wasted to know the difference...

      This one's on you, you came after me, troll!
      anon_de_plume, Oct 14, 2020
      stumbler, John227 and Distant Lover like this.
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Paybacks a bitch :D
      deleted user 555 768, Oct 14, 2020
  8. ironfistvk

    ironfistvk Porn Star

    Jun 28, 2010
    • Creative Creative x 1
  9. ironfistvk

    ironfistvk Porn Star

    Jun 28, 2010
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    1. naughtyguy4u
      Love how those dumb asses in Harris county are whining about this when this is nothing new.
      Every county does the same damn thing.
      They shouldn't worry I'm sure those Houston pussies will still run Harris county.
      naughtyguy4u, Oct 14, 2020
  10. ironfistvk

    ironfistvk Porn Star

    Jun 28, 2010
  11. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    The real joke in all this is that just because Trump said mass mail voting is vulnerable to fraud, despicables had to take the position that THERE IS NO FRAUD IN MAIL IN VOTING.

    So now, everytime a report surfaces of some kind of skulduggery involving mail in ballots they're stuck with one of two responses. Either defend deplorables, or criticize despicables. Of course, hypocrisy is always the root of it.
    1. deleted user 555 768
      Democrats never miss an opportunity to find disaster in everything and blame Trump.......I know Trump is to blame
      deleted user 555 768, Oct 14, 2020
      ManCub1970 likes this.
    2. gammaXray
      Have we had this problems with other Presidents ?? NO..........So it must be Donald Trump. He is the president !! If this SHIT was going on with Obama who would YOU have blamed ??
      gammaXray, Oct 14, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    3. shootersa
      Well, but it was. And despicables blamed the russians and Trump.

      Turned out, Clinton was the source of the initial rumors.
      shootersa, Oct 14, 2020
  13. gammaXray

    gammaXray Porn Star

    Jun 24, 2013
    This is how they do it in Florida and Apparently other Red States.
    Purges Will ‘Screw’ 16.7 Million out of their Right To Vote
    16.7 million men and women have been purged from the US voter rolls in an act which may well decide the 2020 general election for the incumbent US President Donald Trump, according to research and analysis conducted by award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast.

    Mr Palast has covered voter disenfranchisement for many years and his latest book How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America’s Vanished Voters examines the myriad of methods being used to deprive millions of US citizens from exercising their franchise.

    Mohamed Elmaazi: What exactly does it mean to be “purged from the voter rolls”?

    Greg Palast: “Purge” – remove, erase, disappear, vanish or otherwise screw a voter out of their registration. It’s the main, stealth means of fixing elections.

    Example: in 2000, Governor Jeb Bush of Florida ordered the purge of 94,000 voters from Florida rolls, calling them “felons” barred from voting. I obtained the purge list for the BBC and The Guardian. What I found is that not one voter purged was illegally registered but most were Black. The result, Jeb’s brother George Bush was elected President by 537 votes in Florida. In other words, without the illegal purge, Bush would not have been elected.
    { Besides the fact that Brother Jeb also managed to send close to two billion dollars of Fl. workers pension money to his brothers campaign } And today, the story is worse as The Purge has spread to pandemic proportions nationwide…

    Elmaazi: According to your new book How Trump Stole 2020 you write, “Between 2014 and 2016, the number of voters purged for moving their residence had soared to 16,696,470 — one in 12 registered Americans”. That’s a shockingly high number.

    Palast: Thank you for being shocked. I’m also shocked though I’ve been in the vote-thief-hunting biz for two decades.

    How do we know for a fact this many people have been purged from the voter rolls? And how do we know for a fact that the vast majority have been purged wrongly?

    Palast: You think I just make this up? Nope. The number of purged, 16,696,470, is from the US Elections Assistance Commission the agency which tracks votes— and non-votes. It’s hidden in plain sight. I realise it’s a lot to ask a US reporter to look up facts in source documents — but I consider myself a British journalist, born in the USA.

    And my team of 15 has done something no other journalist, oddly, has thought of: Have experts go over every single name on a purge list to determine who has been wrongly tagged for losing their vote. Technically, governments claim these voters have moved out of their state or county — so they can’t vote in that county. But have these voters actually moved?

    I got the experts who verify addresses for Amazon and EBay to work with me, going over every single name of those purged in Georgia and Wisconsin — and we’re doing more states. We’re doing all the swing states with major purges… Wisconsin, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, others. In Georgia, we found that the GOP Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, wrongly purged exactly 340,134 Georgians (most Democrats, of course) just before his run for Governor. The wrongful purge elected Kemp over Stacey Abrams. In Atlanta, I filmed Ms. Christine Jordan as she was booted from the polling station. This is Martin Luther King’s 94-year-old cousin — wrongly purged. She’s never moved from the house where, 50 years ago, King would join her for Sunday dinner.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    No. They want to ensure all votes are counted. These Republican drop boxes are not official drop boxes, and as such, there's no guarantee any ballots collected would actually be counted.
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    2. deleted user 555 768
      Eh, I wrote a long tirade about your dishonest ways...why bother, your beyond reproach :meh:
      deleted user 555 768, Oct 16, 2020
    3. anon_de_plume
      Prove I'm being dishonest.
      anon_de_plume, Oct 17, 2020
    4. deleted user 555 768
      You sound like a little girl, ..prove it, prove it, or I'll tell mommy...if I give you a quarter would ya go away?
      deleted user 555 768, Oct 17, 2020
    5. anon_de_plume
      Unresponsive comment.
      Insults laughed at...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 17, 2020
    6. deleted user 555 768
      Comment noticed.
      Laughing not believable...
      Sense of humor lacking.
      deleted user 555 768, Oct 17, 2020
  15. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    1. anon_de_plume
      Speaking of Trolls...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 14, 2020
  16. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    So you admit every time you don't provide a link you're just stirring up shit.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. deleted user 555 768
      There it is, the confounding..."so you admit", ......uuuh, I dont now, kinda got me on that one.

      Sorry to reuse a meme but...I do provide a link to News articles...all else is opinion....

      deleted user 555 768, Oct 14, 2020
    2. anon_de_plume
      Still a troll...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 14, 2020
      stumbler likes this.
    3. deleted user 555 768
      deleted user 555 768, Oct 14, 2020
    4. stumbler

      "Still a troll..."

      But one of the most laughable I have ever seen. Honestly, I read some of his posts and all I can see is my old grandma standing on a chair and holding her skirt around her legs screaming hysterically because she THOUGHT she saw a mouse.
      stumbler, Oct 16, 2020
      anon_de_plume likes this.
  18. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    [/QUOTE]Also, it's not our homework. You are not a teacher. You are offering an opinion, and this is your way of not having to do any heavy lifting. Its lazy, pure and simple.[/QUOTE]

  19. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014

    Now hurry along and find your stories magic link to shut me up :laugh:

    Its in a cave, first walk the path of truth, then find the key of honor to open the gate of believably and enter the Civility Garden, the magic link to shut me up is written on a wall in a cave behind a rock that looks like Lady Justice holding her scale of truth,

    post the magic link three times and I'll disappear, or may be come back and haunt ya some more :laugh:

    Just laugh you uptight forum troll or I'll show ya what a troll can be :laugh:
  20. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    Also, it's not our homework. You are not a teacher. You are offering an opinion, and this is your way of not having to do any heavy lifting. Its lazy, pure and simple.[/QUOTE]


    And nothing you've said addresses these Republican deceptions. Then again, I'm not surprised.
    • Like Like x 1
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